Martial Arts

  • Karate

    Karate trains the physical condition, such as the flexibility and resilience.
  • Sumo Wrestling

    Kyokutenzan Takeshi, one of the first sumo wrestlers to represent Mongolia in sumo wrestling, takes time today for an interview with artist ritual.
  • Shaolin

    A group of Shaolin monks presents their kung fu performance in front of the temple in Henan.
  • Samurai

    Today the samurai Kusunoki Masashige is celebrated as a national hero. He lived until the early 14th century.
  • Jiu Jitsu

    Children in particular benefit from jiu-jitsu training. They become more confident in dealing with themselves and with others.
  • Capoeira

    Capoeira is a strenuous martial art style that requires a high degree of body control

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